Setting the table for success is a phrase I heard on the Book Marketing Tips & Author Success podcast. This thought was fitting for a post-Thanksgiving episode. The podcasters, Penny Sansevieri and Amy Cornell said, “Look at everything you’re doing as a way to present your book to the reader—setting the table for success. You can’t force readers to sit down and eat, but you can set the best table possible.” Great advice! Here’s why presenting a book effectively is crucial in today’s competitive publishing landscape.
Present your book to the reader
- Takes preparation and planning
- Good content and editing
- Good visuals
- Rehearsal and practice
Elements for a great presentation
- A professional book cover: Your book cover usually the first thing a person sees and is your most important marketing tool.
- A catchy title
- A well-written book description or blurb so readers will be enticed to read your book.
- Keywords and phrases that fit your book’s category to meet reader’s expectations.
- An author website and keep it current. Readers want to know more about you and will visit your site. Know how to make website revisions.
- Use graphic elements from your book cover to use on your website and social media. A consistent look is important.
- Blog posts: set a blog post schedule and share the posts on social media.
- Build your email list: remind readers about your current or future projects; provide links to your blog posts.
- Social media: Book marketing experts say, you don’t need to be everywhere… Pick one network and start simple.
- Use a monthly planner to set micro goals
- Ask for book reviews — request that testimonials are posted on Amazon, B&N, or other platforms.
- Plan speaking engagements or attend events to stay current (informed) and reach potential readers. Writer Nicolas C. Rossis has an excellent post about writing a killer book presentation. And Jessica Fender’s post has great tips.
One author’s example
I designed this book, “Mike’s Unforgettable St. Louis History” (see #1 above). Afterwards, I provided a 3-D book cover and graphic elements from the cover (see #6 above) so author Mike Kleckner could use on his website. At the bottom of Mike’s website is an area to sign up for his newsletter (see #8). Mike uses his book’s graphics on his social media sites.The best presentation possible
Penny Sansevieri also said, “You’re vying for people’s attention.” That’s why it’s important to review everything you’re doing. Set the table for success—a great presentation will impress readers and potential buyers—and help you succeed. Thanks for reading.